The Best Solution for Power Diagnostics and Energy Management

Experience Efficient, Safe, and Reliable Energy Management with PTSenR™

As a leading Singapore innovator, we developed PTSenR™ as our flagship product line to meet the rising electrical standards and the increasing demand for effective management of high-value equipment. Our mission is to ensure production continuity, human safety, and the highest levels of sustainability, availability, and reliability.

PTSenR™ revolutionizes energy harvesting and efficiency with its innovative products including Energy Harvesting Wireless Temperature Sensors, Wireless Receivers, Smart Sensors for Liquid Leaks & Temperature Monitoring, Monitoring Solutions, and Partial Discharge Monitoring. These offerings aim to deliver real-time analytics, remote device management, instant notifications, high service reliability, and availability. Our unique blend of infrared, fiber optic, and energy-harvesting sensing systems provide smart solutions across various sectors.

The highlight of our range is the EH thermal sensor, the world’s smallest IP 68 sensor, designed to monitor and protect electrical assets predictively. We offer a new approach to maintenance with our SMART IoT sensors, ensuring every electrical panel in your building is continuously monitored, reducing both maintenance labor and risk of unplanned downtime.

Key Features

Explore PTSenR™ Products

PTSenR™: Smart, Safe, Sustainable Monitoring 

PTSenR™ Smart Grid Solutions

Discover how PTSenR™ empowers smart grid systems with advanced wireless sensors.  Our innovative solutions for temperature and current monitoring, designed to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability in modern power networks. Download now to explore the features, applications, and benefits of our cutting-edge technology.

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